Following the master... becoming the master
history|awk '{a[$2]++ } END{for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}'|sort -rn|head115 clear73 cd63 sudo61 exit52 ls17 mplayer16 ./configure9 make8 tail8 man
fitoria@fitoria-desktop:~$ history|awk '{a[$2]++ } END{for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}'|sort -rn|head132 cd96 sudo52 python50 ls20 ./configure15 nmap11 make10 sqlite39 du8 clear
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1 comentario:
fitoria@fitoria-desktop:~$ history|awk '{a[$2]++ } END{for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}'|sort -rn|head
132 cd
96 sudo
52 python
50 ls
20 ./configure
15 nmap
11 make
10 sqlite3
9 du
8 clear
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